What to do if I need a safe abortion?
The safe abortion allows women and others with gestational capacity to make choices about their lives and their future. When a decision has been made to opt for a termination of pregnancy, quality services and reliable, scientifically backed information must be made...
I don’t know whether to abort or not became the longest safe abortion livestream in history.
4,500 people from 49 countries joined the 24-hour live broadcast from the nosesiabortarono.org website . From social networks, more than 10,000 views were counted in real time. More than 90 experts from the region provided live answers to questions from the audience....
How to buy pills to induce abortion?
In 2023, 66,853 people accessed safe abortions with …

How to identify appropriate medications for safe abortion
Abortion with pills is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy, but the right medications must be used to avoid risks. There are counterfeit and poor quality pills on the market that do not work properly and this can delay the procedure or bring...
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