Stabilize, repair damage and prevent complications through clinical evaluation and treatment.
Promote the emotional stability of the person, which implies guaranteeing crisis intervention and post-discharge psychological care.
Provide medical care with a gender perspective.
In the event that the treatment needed by the survivor cannot be provided, the survivor should be referred to specialized agencies.
Have trained physicians and nurses who are not conscientious objectors. If, upon requesting the abortion, care cannot be provided, the client should be referred immediately to a unit with non-objecting staff and quality care infrastructure.
To have the free and informed consent of the person for any procedure.
The Mexican State has failed to guarantee the right of survivors of sexual and domestic violence, or of any aggression that originates from the mere fact of being a woman, to have access to a life free of violence. However, NOM-046 is an instrument that allows access to justice and reparation of damages that survivors of violence are entitled to.
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